Nordic HR Seminar 2019 - Hjort
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Nordic HR Seminar 2019

Claude A. Lenth holder foredrag om arbeidsrett på nordisk HR-seminar i Stockholm 26. november.

Invitasjonsteksten sier følgende:
Following Copenhagen, Helsinki and Oslo, we are now welcoming you to the 4th Ius Laboris seminar in Stockholm covering the hottest employment law topics in the Nordics with speakers from Ius Laboris law firms in all four countries.

The seminar is free of charge, but the number of delegates is limited so please register as soon as possible to reserve a place at the seminar. Registration submissions should be sent to

Deadline for registration is 5 November 2019.

When confirming your reservation, please let us know if you have any allergies or special diet requests.

For more information please contact:

Camilla Sokoleski
Tel: +46-8-21 16 04